Just Making Rhymes

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šŸ”„Friday FirešŸ”„

Deceived With Ease

ThisĀ May Be A Touchy Subject, ButĀ IĀ Beg Your Pardon Please

HereĀ To Bring Attention To, The Concept Being Deceived With Ease

ItĀ All Started In The Garden Of Eden, When The Devil CorneredĀ Eve

HeĀ Used His Forked Tongue Words, And Planted A Wicked Seed

OfĀ Treachery And Deceit, Promised Knowledge Just LikeĀ God

ButĀ If It Was That Simple, How Come ThisĀ FugaziĀ Fraud

Didnā€™tĀ Partake The Fruit Himself, But Eve Never Questioned Motive

OrĀ Thought Of How Her Actions, Could Be So Utter Implosive

ThenĀ To Compound Her Silly Blunder, And Double Down On Her Sin

SheĀ Ran To Go FindĀ Adam, And Drag Him Unknowingly In

CauseĀ Misery Loves Company, So Watch The Company That You Keep

TroubleĀ Can Come From Anyway, Even From Your Peeps

MoralĀ Of The Story, Question Things That Seem To Please

UseĀ Your Cerebral, And Donā€™t Be Deceived With Ease

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