Just Making Rhymes

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Bible Verse: Isa 58: 11

The LORD will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

JMR's Words Of Wisdom

Many of us have heard the phrase, let your conscience be your guide. I know in the past and even today there are times when I  fail to seek guidance before taking action. Many of us deem ourselves wise and intelligent and believe we are fully capable of making sound, rationale decisions.
Well, how many times in the past have we come to realize that our decision was not the best course of action.
I’ve come to realize that God wants us to lean on his infinite wisdom to make earthly decision. He wants us to seek guidance from him. I believe that is one of the main purposes for prayer. Not only should we give thanks during our prayers BUT it is also an opportune time to solicit guidance in all aspects of our lives.
Trust in God for direction, and guidance. God will NEVER, NEVER EVER, guide us down the wrong path.
Remember, it takes a long time to grow old friends…Be blessed

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