Just Making Rhymes

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Honor Thy Mother

Bible Verse: Pro 1: 8

Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching..

JMR's Words Of Wisdom

Well all, I’m sure everyone knows that this weekend is Mother’s Day. I trust you have made some arrangements to honor your mother. As I reflect on my formative years growing up, the one constant throughout everything was having mom there no matter what. Whatever the circumstance mom was there to provide comfort, encouragement, correction, wisdom and love.
I feel just in speaking for everyone by saying that the person each of us is today is heavily based on mom’s upbringing and teaching. Of course, dad’s play a pivotal role BUT if truth be told, MOM’s are the ones holding it down. So for those of us that still have our mothers with us, please take time out to tell your mother how much she means to you and THANK her for all her hard work. I know some of you hardheaded cats were a bear to handle as youths 
For those of you who no longer have you mothers, my condolences. Take a minute to recollect all the good times you shared with you mother. I guarantee you there will be a smile on your face and she will be smiling down on you seeing you remember those good times.
As usual, remember it takes a long time to grow old friends… Be Blessed

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