Just Making Rhymes

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Spiritual Strength

Bible Verse: Rom 1: 11-12

I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong– that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.

JMR's Words Of Wisdom

As people, many of us spend time analyzing, studying and evaluating our physical appearance. In an effort to build and maintain our physical strength, we go to the gym, run, lift weights, participate in sports, watch our calories and monitor our diets. There are a bevy of things we do in order to maintain this strength. Well, what do we do to maintain our “spiritual strength“?


Just like our physical bodies need exercise and diet to maintain, our spiritual essence needs exercise and diet. I surmise that we need to exercise our spirit with spiritual activities and feed our body/minds a consistent diet of God’s word. As Christians, I submit to you that we need to be at top spiritual strength to withstand the enemy’s attack.


How can you defend yourself if you are spiritually weak? Will you not be over-come by the enemies’ schemes, tricks and temptations….


In Romans, Paul says that we should mutually encourage one another. Encouraging words are a spiritual gift that can make us strong. It can give us the extra push to accomplish what we thought was out of our reach. What happens when our spouses or friends speak encouragement to us. We instantly become empowered because someone has faith in us. Speak that encouragement to your brother and see him become empowered in that same way.


There is a song by Donald Lawrence called “Spiritual“, it says “You’re not a natural being, Having a spiritual experience. But you’re a spiritual being, Living this natural experience”.  Build up your strength to conquer any natural experience…


Remember, it takes a long time to grow old friends…be blessed

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